Thursday, May 18, 2017

Update on ARNie and

I am alive, but my health is still preventing me from reopening my store and selling my books.  Each time I seem to conquer one problem, another pops up.  We are managing the blood disorder, but the reality is, my immune system is compromised and that severely restricts everything I do.

For the last few days (that I know of), has been offline.  I have been researching this issue, and I'm still in the dark as to what is going on with this company.  I've been with them decade, and only one time in the past, did their servers go offline, and that was due to a horrible storm.

At present, I am still trying to determine what happened, and in the days to come, what I should do about it in the future.  Whether that is to try to transfer to another host, which will probably mean rebuilding the site, which will be an insurmountable task with as large at it was.

Please know, that I'm not dead, like the disappearance of the site might suggest.  I'm still living at home, and doing as well as I can.

I do spend time on Facebook, and you can find me there.  I'm still stitching, but just for peace of mind and to sell a few things at 4 living history events I risk going to.  My office is now my hermitage, and I leave the house very little.

My ChezCrochet at yahoo dot com email is still working, but all of the email accounts are offline, and I don't know how to retrieve them, yet.

Angela 'ARNie' Grabowski